Hello Worcester Sharks Fans,

This section of sharksahl.com is almost going to become my journal of the activities it takes to build a new AHL franchise in Worcester. I will attempt to provide you weekly updates on the progress we make, information about players in our organization and more. Please continue to use the Q & A section for additional feedback and input as we view and reply to those weekly.

Our second week as the Worcester Sharks was another great one. I had the pleasure of meeting many more people from the area, spent a great deal of time in the DCU Center planning with their staff (who, by the way, are tremendous), began to interview candidates for senior staff positions, held two meetings with fan groups and became more acquainted your city.

I want to deliver a special thanks to the leaders and members of the North Worcester Business Association. On Wednesday, I addressed more than 60 members of the business community. I stressed to them that the Sharks are here to be a part of the community and that we need their partnerships as ticket holders and/or corporate partners to become a model AHL franchise. Many members have followed up already.

I would be remiss if I did not send a big thanks to Alan Cooper of Atlas Printing and Communications who promptly filled an immediate need for business cards. Also, my sincere appreciation to the good people at the Worcester Business Journal and Salley Tyler, who brought me their Worcester publication, which allowed me too acquaint my family with the area. Thank you all.

It is extremely difficult to single out individuals because our reception here has been so wonderful due to so many supporters. Citizens and companies are continuing to assist in the continuing pledge drive efforts to build the season ticket base. Thank you to everyone for your support.

Worcester is truly a city on the move and you have kept me moving in the first two weeks! I should have known by the energy of your city manager that I was in for 27-hour days when I got here.

We have exciting plans in the works in the next few months and there is a lot to do. Tell two friends who can tell two more to pledge their support today by becoming a part of Sharks Hockey here in Worcester.

Best regards,

Michael T. Lehr
Worcester Sharks